CONCHORD OP. 3 NO.5 : CONCERT AT Aegis Living Newcastle

“Experience the Conchord Music Concert at Aegis Living Newcastle on August 17th, 2024. Residents had a delightful time, immersed in the music and its uplifting energy. ” 🎶😊

CONCHORD OP. 3 NO.5 @ Aegis Living Newcastle
2024-08-23-20-04-11 DSC_0882 DSC_0743 DSC_0791 DSC_0855 DSC_0862 DSC_0665 DSC_0656 DSC_0647 DSC_0681 DSC_0667 DSC_0840 DSC_0831 DSC_0810 DSC_0799 DSC_0794 DSC_0710 DSC_0776 DSC_0768 DSC_0764 DSC_0760 DSC_0754 DSC_0728 DSC_0731 DSC_0695 DSC_0706 DSC_0691 DSC_0689 DSC_0711