Nina Iorik, our Assistant Director of Education and Social Media, is an incredibly talented pianist with great love and respect for classical music. When I first saw her playing a duet in a masterclass for Seattle Chamber Music Society’s Academy, I was stunned by how effortlessly she played – which I knew meant she was very well-prepared! Working with numerous music organizations, Nina is able to balance her many responsibilities with her musical career. Learn more about Nina’s philosophies and habits below:

1. How do you think music affects your mental health? Is there a difference between when you’re playing and when you’re listening?
Music is definitely good for mental health. To me, music is a special world that transcends the world I physically live in. Listening to music helps me navigate through life. It helps me overcome the stress I experience. It brings harmony to my mind. Music possesses an ability to spark a variety of emotions and thoughts, and I find that valuable.

Gaëtan de Seguin
2. How do you envision connecting with your audience during performances? What do you intend to leave them with?
I hope that my audience falls in love with the music I play. I express a great amount of emotion during my performances, and I hope that my audience feels interest and excitement towards the piece(s) I play for them. I hope that they are transported to the magical world of music (at least for the duration of the performance). And if my playing touches my audience at an even greater level, it will create an even more profound impact; the magical effect will last longer, possibly enough to inspire my listeners or move them to tears.

Renee Zangara
3. What habits help you maintain your mental health?
I think that everyone has their own coping mechanisms, but I value socializing and spending time with my family. Personally, I find comfort in calling my grandparents. My elders are very wise people, and I learn many important lessons from them. Support from my family brings up my self-esteem and makes me feel safe. I also like to journal and take solo walks to refresh myself.
Thank you so much to Nina for these lovely answers! Stayed tuned to hear my answers to these questions next week.